



Bob Dooley &
Sue Stock

Adam's Auto Repairs
John Adams & Assoc Lawyers
Armonica Cafe
Auralia Rose – Past Life Regression
Barcoo Plumbing
Ben's Painting
Blue Knob Gallery

Carefree Ceremonies by Gwen Trimble
Cawongla Playhouse 
Digwise Earthworks
Djanbung Gardens Permaculture College

Dolphin Funerals
Elizabeth McCardell – Counsellor & Psychotherapist

Funky Corner
Grey Gum Lodge

Happy Horses Bitless
Hardy Electrical & Solar
Hemp Embassy

Janelle Saffin MP


Johnny Mac Towing

Mr Bobcat

Nimbin Apothecary

Nimbin Artists Gallery
Nimbin Bakery

Nimbin Bowling Club 

Nimbin Building Materials 

Nimbin Candles
Nimbin Chamber of Commerce

Nimbin Computer Support
NimFM 102.3

Nimbin Hills Real Estate
Nimbin Homeopathics – Tarang Bates
Nimbin Law

Nimbin Markets

Nimbin Neighbourhood Centre
Nimbin Newsagency
Nimbin Numbers 

Nimbin Organic Food Co-op

Nimbin Plumbing & Gas – Ashley Knights
Nimbin Post
Nimbin Preschool
Nimbin Service Station 
Nimbin Tax & Accounting
Nimbin Village Laundry


Nimbin Water Bearers
Northern Rivers Drafting and Building Design
Perceptio Books
Plasterin' Nimbin – Terry Bressington 


Pooh Solutions 


Rainbow Power Company
Rainbow Ridge School
Rob Clark – Floor Sanding
Roxy Gallery, Kyogle

Septic Tank Pumping 

Sonia Barton – Bowen Therapist
Star-loom – Tina Mews
Sunsparks Electrics

Teretre Retreat

The Channon Craft Market
Tree Shape
Tribal Magic
Tuntable Falls Community School 
Uri Ross @Realty


Nimbin Weather Forecast

Nimbin Business &
Services Directory

Nimbin Community Centre

Nimbin Community Radio

Nimbin Environment Centre

Nimbin Events Directory

Nimbin MardiGrass

Nimbin Neighbourhood & Information Centre

Rainbow Region Markets

Nimbin Plant Selection Guide

Nimbin Community Web Portal


Bangalow Herald

Byron Echo



Woodstock Museum

The Woodstock Times


Nimbin GoodTimes is a free monthly newspaper for the vibrant Nimbin community and the Northern Rivers of NSW, Australia. With over 100 contributors, the content highlights the issues and interests of a creative, alternative culture. We hope you enjoy reading this month's edition. 

July 2024 – Fringed Wattle Edition

Page 1

Pages 2-9

Pages 10-17

Pages 18-23

Pages 24-29

Pages 30-36


August edition deadline: Friday 26th July

Page 1
Julian Assange: Free at last! – John Jiggens

Page 2
Diana Roberts awarded an OAM
Iconic new Nimbin building to open
Friends of Palestine celebrate major win
CWA Nimbin Branch doings

Page 3
Nimbin loses its street cleaners
Jungle Patrol bites the dust
Waste Transfer Station charges skyrocket

Page 4

Rainbow Road Walking Track Dreaming – Michael Balderstone

Page 5
Drug overdose death danger warning
Assange freed – continued from page 1

Page 6

Nimbin Neighbourhood Centre News    
Nimbin Seniors Social Centre programme  
Nimbin Hospital Information

Page 7

Nimbin Environment Centre News  
Connecting with Woodstock – Benny Zable

Pages 8
In Memoriam: Jethro Alan Gilmour, Leonard Martin, Pamela Whitehead, Murray Hudson

Page 9
The internet: From digital democracy to digital dementia – Aidan Ricketts

Page 10
From the Mayor's desk – Steve Krieg
Be fire safe: Ensure your smoke alarms are working – Janelle Saffin MP
Nuclear power will mean higher household bills and more pollution 

Page 11
Expensive, destructive and unsupported, Dunoon Dam cannot proceed – Sue Higginson MLC
Lismore Greens consider Council issues, celebrations and and campaigning – Virginia Waters
On the same Page – Kevin Hogan MP

Page 12
Rising Tide demand real climate action
Lismore starts a global wave of Human Peace Signs
NSW budget neglects biodiversity

Page 13
Nimbin Chamber of Commerce: Chamber Chat
Doorknock survey in Lismore flood zone
Living Lab looks ahead

Page 14
Koala funding is inadequate in protecting koalas
Byron balloon ban to protect wildlife
Locating vulnerable species on Richmond Range

Page 15
Lismore Lantern Parade celebrates 30 years
The secret formula to bonding – Antoinette Ensbey

Page 16
LisAmore: A day of sunshine, smiles and Italian culture – Luca Barbieri
Successful fundraiser film night in Nimbin
Screenworks Regional to Global Screen Forum

Page 17
Vinod Prasanna and Bobby Singh in concert
Lismore Theatre Company: Life Without Me
Byron Writers Festival full program released

Pages 18
Joyous mark-making at Nimbin Artists Gallery
Just landscapes at Serpentine Gallery


Pages 19
  The fabric of life on show at Blue Knob Hall Gallery
LunaSea: Creative Moonlighting at Flourish Gallery
Artists unite to save Wallum at Gallery Cosmosis
Call-out to local artists for community collaboration


Page 20
Book review: Science, lies and politics: Kitty Van Vuuren
Koala trees on the verge – Theresa Mason
More illegal logging – Susie Russell
ForestCorp targetting proposed National Park

Page 21
Parma Wallaby: Lost and found – Scott O'Keeffe
The geology of the Nimbin Valley

Page 22
Nimbin Garden Club Notes
Nimbin Bushwalkers: Whales and dolphins on show near Angowrie
View from the Loo: The art of giving a shit – Stuart McConville

Page 23
Horses: The spaces between – Suzy Maloney
Making life interesting for equines – Les Rees

Page 24
Food Matters: Legend of the leek – Neil Amor
Sweet potato: Sweeter than honey – Thom Culpeper
Delicious sweet potato curry recipe

Page 25
Watch out for Morning Glory – Triny Roe
The Art of Practice: Motivation – Susan Paget
Plant of the Month: Acacia fimbriata – Richard Burer

Page 26
Nature's Pharmacy: Long Covid revisited – Trish Clough
Natural Law – Helene Collard
It's a Dry July at Our House

Page 27
The Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia – John Adams
Passings – Dr Elizabeth McCardell

Page 28
What's going on at Roxby Downs? – Annie McGovern
Criticism – Uncle Norm and Aunty Maj

Page 29
The pain of arthritis – Tonia Haynes
Shapeshifting: Olympic medals and plant-based consumers – Anand Gandharva
Civil discourse, social media style

Page 30
Astrology forecasts – Tina Mews

Pages 31
Life and death – Marilyn Devlin
Nimbin Trivia Time by Eclectus
Nimbin Crossword by 5ynic

Page 32
A Moment – S Sorrensen
Revenge of the Loon: Lismore Council's electoral system – Laurie Axtens
Visage – Magenta Appel-Pye
Stories of encountering a crossroad – René Norwie

Page 33
A celebration of community and creativity at Nimbin Central School
Seasonal calendar and cooking mullet on the fire at Tuntable Falls preschool
Poem: Words have flavour, readers have taste – Warwick Fry

Page 34
Nimbin Headers: Cedar Little's football story
Approaches to mental health – Dr Jacqueline Boustany
Crystalline Clarity: What is spiritual crisis? – Daryl Spilberg

Page 35
Don't get me started? – Harry Gumboot
Nimbin Numbers: Jayne's tax tips for 2024

Page 36
Advertisement: Nimbin Hills Real Estate



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